Before / After
Interview Matt
Erzähl kurz ein wenig zu deiner Person und deinem Alltag:
I make video games for a living. This is a pretty good job and I'm grateful for it but it also means that I sit in front of a computer all day. I need to make time for training in order to stay fit.
Welchen Sport hast Du vorher gemacht?
I did different sports like training at a gym, group fitness, boxing, and dancing.
Wie bist du auf Paul Käser PT aufmerksam geworden?
I noticed Paul's gym one day when I walked by.
Wie hat sich deine Mobilität, Beweglichkeit, Körperhaltung entwickelt?
I've developed a lot since I started training with Paul. However, my overall mobility, flexibility, and conditioning have not increased greatly. My muscle strength has greatly increased as well.
Wie hat sich dein Energie Level entwickelt?
My energy level has increased greatly. I do much more physical activity and I have the energy to workout.
Was war die grösste Umstellung für dich?
My physique looks much more muscular. My shoulders, chest, and back are noticeably bigger and more defined.
Wie oft und lange hast du trainiert?
Most recently, I trained 3x a week over approximately 6 weeks.
Welches ist deine Lieblingsübung?
Pull ups
Hast du auch Ausdauertraining gemacht um Fett abzubauen?
On my non-training days I would run. I find combining running with strength training helps me to lose fat.
Wie ist die Resonanz deines Umfelds auf die Veränderung in den letzten Wochen/Monaten?
In general, everything I do is much healthier and I live a healthier lifestyle. Because I got good results, i feel more motivated to practice healthy habits and continue training to maintain my results and continue to improve.
Und wie geht es jetzt weiter?
I travel a lot. So my goal is to continue training, eating healthy, and sleeping well. Because of the great progress that I received training with Paul, I feel strongly motivated to carry on so I continue to improve and enjoy the many health benefits that come from training.